Sponsorship Levels

To register for an exhibitor booth or sponsorship opportunity please fill out the registration forms located in the 2022 Exhibitor Sponsor Prospectus (coming soon) and return with full payment to: Salvation Army USA National Headquarters, ATTN: Greg Tuck, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314 or at greg.tuck@usn.salvationarmy.org

Exclusive Presenting sponsorship - $150,000

  • Exclusive co-branding throughout conference
  • Video highlighting your company at the event
  • Official internet sponsor (password is your company name)
  • Opportunity to brand select locations
  • 40’ x 40’ exhibitor booth
  • Handouts in welcome bag
  • 10 complimentary conference registrations
  • LeadCapture opportunities
  • 4 VIP Leadership Breakfast tickets
Learn More

Celebration SponsorExclusive sponsor of the event: Opening Reception or National Commander’s Banquet - $100k

  • Video highlighting your company at the event
  • Exclusive branding throughout the event
  • 20’ x 30’ exhibitor booth
  • Complimentary invites to event
  • 8 complimentary conference registrations
  • LeadCapture opportunities
  • 2 VIP Leadership Breakfast tickets
Learn More

Platinum Level Sponsor Exclusive host of a session: VIP Breakfast, Plenary Session, Special Luncheon - $50k

  • Major branding opportunities throughout conference
  • 20’ x 20’ exhibitor booth
  • Opportunity for branded items at lunch
  • Handouts in welcome bag
  • 6 complimentary conference registrations
  • LeadCapture opportunities
  • 2 VIP Leadership Breakfast tickets
Learn More

Diamond Level SponsorExclusive sponsor of 1 session of workshops - $30k

  • Major branding opportunities throughout conference
  • Breaks sponsor
  • 20’ x 20’ exhibitor booth
  • Handouts in welcome bag
  • Opportunity for branded items
  • 4 complimentary conference registrations
  • LeadCapture opportunities
Learn More